Coogee Media



Hello, this website is our hobby to share some of our stories, images and videos, especially about Coogee and nearby areas, run by a voluntary group. We concentrate on the history of our suburb Coogee, and about its heritage, buildings, events, art and personalities. We are also interested in stories about nearby suburbs, and other historic places, beautiful sights and interesting characters we come across on our travels.

We acknowledge the Bidjigal and Gadigal People people, the Traditional Custodians of the land where we operate.

All Original Work
The stories and work on this site is all original work and comes from the original research and writing from our staff writers and contributors. They first appeared on this web site and are protected by copyright.

Enjoy your visit!
We would love to hear of any suggestions for content or any feedback or comments. Of course, any information on the site should only be considered as opinion and entertainment and should not be relied upon to make any judgement or decision - you need to obtain your own advice. We aim to see the site grow in size and popularity. Enjoy your visit!

Contribute Stories to the Coogee Media site?
You are welcome to send us a story to be included on this site. However, as this is a hobby site, we only offer access as a creative outlet and cannot make any payment. Contributions can include historical articles, short stories, fiction, poetry, photographs or art. There are a few, sensible, conditions we ask you to follow in submitting any material for publication on our site:

  • Material cannot defame, vilify or abuse any person, group or institution
  • Coogee Media may reject for publication, or later remove, any material without reason
  • Coogee Media may edit material for reasonable correction of spelling, grammar or syntax errors
  • While political discussion may not be rejected outright, we ask that contributions be reasonably non-partisan and evenly balanced in opinion. This would not preclude stories about events or organisations if factually based.
  • Material cannot offer professional advice to readers, especially that of a medical, legal or financial nature
  • Material cannot contain violent or sexually explicit items
  • Material cannot encourage dangerous or illegal activity
  • Material that relates to the Coogee area is especially encouraged
  • Material should be forwarded in Microsoft Word format to our email address
  • The contributor's name will be recorded in our records. You may sign the material with your full name, first name or a pen-name for publication.

Material on this site should be considered purely as opinion, historical interpretation or fiction. While every effort is made to ensure statements are based on fact, where appropriate, conditions can change and you must not rely upon information on this site for any personal, professional, financial, legal or academic reason.

Third party advertising ads may also appear on this site's pages. Their appearance must not be construed as being any endorsement of any products or services offered in those ads.

Third Party Endorsements
We are not able to accept requests to publish endorsements, fundraising requests, or expressions of support, for other parties, websites, or campaigns not directly associated with Coogee Media. Authors on this site may, however, express personal opinions on issues or events that bear a direct relationship to the content of their stories.

Copyright, or intellectual ownership, of the material on this site, or its design, remains with Coogee Media and may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Coogee Media.

By submitting material to Coogee Media for publication, you are providing a one-off, perpetual copyright waiver for us to publish the material on the Coogee Media website. Copyright remains with the contributor and we will not republish the material except under the fair dealing provisions of Copyright legislation.

If you quote from any of the stories on our site, under the fair dealing provisions of Copyright, or normally recognised fair-use of material for research, you must cite (reference) the use as being "From Coogee Media -" Include the name of the article , any author, and the date on which the article was accessed.

Below is a list of articles
on this site: